List of Companies in Kati, Mali
Searching for businesses in Kati? Explore a directory of 14 companies located in Kati, Mali. Top companies in Mali, businesses near me.
We found 14 companies
BP 105, Kati
SERIM was created in 1996 and is investing in finding solutions to create added value, jobs and wealth in Africa by: - Support for the creation and development of business, - Access to growth markets, - The promotion of win-win partnerships, - The development ...
1SONAREM - Societe Nationale De Recherches Et D'exploitation Des Ressources Minieres Du Mali
BP 2, Kati
SONAREM - Societe Nationale De Recherches Et D'exploitation Des Ressources Minieres Du Mali is a state-owned mining company in Mali dedicated to the exploration, development, and production of mineral resources. With a focus on gold, uranium, and bauxite, SONA...