Dioser - Bamako, Mali
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Hotel name
Bamako, Mali
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Establishment year 2013
Employees 11-50
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Company description
DIOSER HOTELS aims to be a leader in hotel development and investment in Africa. With an expertise in the African hotel market and its development, DIOSER is positioning itself in both the luxury and mid-range market, responding to a growing demand for accommodation. The goal is to have 12 hotels in operation by 2025.
Inspired by the accomplishments of the Egyptian Pharaoh Djoser during his reign (2691 -2625 B.C.), DIOSER is taking on the ambitious project of a 5-star hotel in Mali. Initially proposed by the Malian government in 2009, the project was suspended due to the crisis that affected the country. In December 2015, DIOSER S.A. signed a concession agreement with the Malian government to complete the finishing work, provide equipment and supplies, and entrust the management of the
The hotel is expected to open in the first quarter of 2017, with the main structure already in place. Finishing work and equipment should take no more than 11 months to complete. The length of the concession is 15 years from the opening date.
Inspired by the accomplishments of the Egyptian Pharaoh Djoser during his reign (2691 -2625 B.C.), DIOSER is taking on the ambitious project of a 5-star hotel in Mali. Initially proposed by the Malian government in 2009, the project was suspended due to the crisis that affected the country. In December 2015, DIOSER S.A. signed a concession agreement with the Malian government to complete the finishing work, provide equipment and supplies, and entrust the management of the
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hotel to the renowned French hotel chain, GOLDEN TULIP, of the Louvre Hotels Group.The hotel is expected to open in the first quarter of 2017, with the main structure already in place. Finishing work and equipment should take no more than 11 months to complete. The length of the concession is 15 years from the opening date.
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